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Sexual misconduct in HE: building a national picture

The disproportionate incidence of sexual misconduct in Higher Education (HE) is a troubling yet well-documented reality. Despite this, a sector-level measure of prevalence remains underdeveloped, something the OfS is working hard to address.

Green Social Prescribing: what do patients, the public and clinicians think?

Our project ‘Preventing and tackling mental ill health through green social prescribing’ gathered robust evidence on perceptions and behaviours related to green social prescribing.

Social Housing: Jeremy Hunt may not be our Ryan Reynolds, but we’ll certainly be cheering the sector on

After a tough year of turmoil and underinvestment, with one heart-breaking headline after another, we look towards another difficult year for the social housing sector.

The tenant satisfaction measures: our lessons learned so far

As the social housing sector braces itself for the final month of the financial year, and implementing the new tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) feels more real than ever before, we wanted to share some of what we’ve learned.

A step in a new direction – discovering a career in social research

From equine grad to senior research executive, Amy shares her experience of her early career in social research, including the support she’s received along the way.

Flex is best: A human-first approach to flexible working

As a recruiter, I’ve seen many changes in the way people work. Not that long ago, it was the norm for people to work above and beyond hours without compensation. Many of us have travelled across the country for hour-long face to face meetings.

Looking beyond the requirements of the TSMs

The TSMs will come into effect in just under 2 months. Ahead of that, we reflect on how these measures should be seen as more than just a regulatory requirement. And rather an opportunity to make sure you’re doing what matters most to your customers.

Community volunteering at IFF

At Christmas, instead of sending unnecessary gifts to our clients, we give on their behalf instead. This year, we chose to support Refettorio Felix.

Evaluation of the The Primary Care Gambling Service published

The Primary Care Gambling Service (PCGS) is a primary care-based pilot service located in South East London for adults aged 18 or over experiencing harm from gambling. Findings from our evaluation of the PCGS service have been published.

The impact of overdrafts on switching current accounts – report launch

Our research in partnership with CASS, operated by Pay.UK, found that millions of overdraft users are currently sticking with their current account providers, due to misconceptions around switching current account when using an overdraft.

Improving educational outcomes for looked after children: Welsh Government publishes our findings

Our study aimed to assist the Welsh Government in shaping future policy for supporting looked after children in education, to improve educational outcomes.

Key takeaways from the Tenant and Resident Engagement conference

Attending Inside Housing’s Tenant and Resident Engagement Conference last week was an opportunity to discuss the importance of putting tenants at the heart of social housing, and we heard our own advice echoed by many speakers.