I’m Sam Morris
Proud Dad and environmentalist; love to explore the countryside; resident geography (and SPSS) nerd
A little bit of what I do
I first joined IFF in 2012 as a Research Executive, from a background in housing statistics. Today, I work on mixed-methods projects, including large surveys and policy evaluations, and policy areas ranging from housing and energy efficiency to domestic abuse. I like to get stuck into those technical design challenges which policy complexity – and working with local and regional bodies – often brings to research projects.
What I’ve achieved
From a long list, I’d pick out my work for EHRC in 2018 on disabled people’s access to housing, highlighting a little noticed issue affecting many people’s lives, as well as for DWP in 2023 on Respite Rooms, proving the effectiveness of a new supported accommodation concept, combining provision for domestic abuse and homelessness. I also designed many of the systems behind the London Learner Survey for GLA, one of IFF’s most complex quantitative survey projects, with around 100,000 completing the survey every year.