I’m Claire Johnson
Fan of Strictly and spaniels
A little bit of what I do
I joined IFF Research in 2017 after 20 years working in education and skills-related research at Ipsos MORI, the Institute for Employment Studies (IES), and the Institute for Employment Research (IER). I’m experienced in quantitative and qualitative methods and have particular expertise in programme/ policy evaluation including theory of change development. I mainly work on research and evaluation spanning early years, schools and further education, children’s social care and adult skills.
What I’ve achieved
The projects that stand out are those which directly influenced policy and practice, or moved forward the research agenda in some way. At IFF, I’m especially proud of the longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers, a five-year study for DfE exploring the factors influencing retention among this crucial workforce. We’ve also done some really challenging but rewarding investigative research on alternative provision, which included qualitative research among teachers, support staff, parents and pupils across 25 study sites.