Hello there,

I’m Christa Downing

Constantly chasing the sense of ‘collective effervescence’ at gigs and festivals

A little bit of what I do

Since joining IFF on the graduate training programme in 2013, I’ve been fortunate to have gained experience across a range of sectors and research methodologies. My passion and expertise lie in delivering mixed-method evaluations in the work, welfare, wellbeing and education sectors; understanding the lived experiences of individuals, the impact of programmes and interventions, and using learnings to help inform future public policy.

What I’ve achieved

I find my work most rewarding when it shines a light on the experiences or support needs of societies more vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. For example, I’ve evaluated numerous programmes for the Department for Work and Pensions which seek to support individuals with health conditions or disabilities move closer to, move into or retain work. I’ve also done qualitative case studies exploring the experiences of young people who have come to England from areas of conflict, and an ethnographic study with families in receipt of support under the Troubled Families Programme.