I’m Andrew Skone James
Champagne environmentalist, previously aspiring musician
A little bit of what I do
I joined IFF Research in 2010, and have developed expertise across a range of research methodologies since, including quantitative, qualitative, evaluations etc. I currently head up IFF’s Energy and Environment sector, while I also support our work in education, learning and skills. Outside of research projects I’m responsible for progressing the stats arm of the company (just as exciting as it sounds) and organising, but not necessarily contributing to, the annual IFF Research cricket do.
What I’ve achieved
I’m proud of having managed some of IFF’s largest surveys in recent years, the Employer Skills Survey for the Department for Education, and Graduate Outcomes, for HESA. Developing our Energy and Environment sector has been an aspiration of mine for years, and I was delighted when we launched this in 2021. Furthermore I’m also excited to be part of the team delivering on our commitment to become net zero by 2026.